Atari ST Protection: Garfield

Track 79: shorter than 6100 bytes (and longer than 4996 bytes), that is not possible to be written with a standard drive. Pretty standard. ; allocate screen buffer 0x0d452: 0x2f3c 0x0000 0x9000 MOVE.L #0x9000,-(A7) 0x0d458: 0x3f3c 0x0048 MOVE.W #0x48,-(A7) 0x0d45c: 0x4e41 TRAP #0x1 0x0d45e: 0x6700 0xfa8e BEQ *-0x570 [0xCEEE] 0x0d462: 0x5c8f ADDQ.L #6,A7 0x0d464: 0x2d40 … Continue reading Atari ST Protection: Garfield

Atari ST Protection: The Sentry or The Sentinel

This protection is in track 20, it searches for $13,$07,$F7,$19,$87,$F7 right AFTER the CRC of sector 9, especially the $F7 is nasty, because the FDC normally writes a two byte CRC when receiving a $F7 with the write track command. Because of a bad implementation these bytes could be written inside sector 9 and it … Continue reading Atari ST Protection: The Sentry or The Sentinel